www.obscenity.de Armageddon Music Death Deutschland
Atrophied in Anguish (2012 · CD)
Erase the Divine All You Can Kill Atrophied in Anguish From Heroic to Depraved Swine to the Slaughter Perfect Pain Neurotic Frenzy Diary of a ScapegoatMonoistic Living Hystarical Illusion
Where Sinners Bleed (2006 · CD)
Obsessed With SlaveryDie AgainMutate To Scourge - InfecdeadIncompleteOut Of The TombsCannibalistic IntentWhere Sinners BleedReturn To FleshNon-ExistenceThe Bullet That Kills
Cold Blooded Murder (2002 · CD)
IntroThe ArrivalCaught in LifeMy Dark OneAlien Hand SyndromeSleepwalkerBlessed by NatureSoulpainCold Blooded Murder
Intense (2000 · CD)
Bleed for MePride of CreationGolden CageSuck My VomitRipping Your TorsoFinal BreathPhenomenon TimeMental EmptinessReturn of the Crows