Die Deather Impious haben den Song "Dead Awakening" von ihrem, am 23. November 2009 erscheinenden, Album "Death Domination" online gestellt.
Den Song findet ihr auf der offiziellen Myspace.com-Seite ((Link))
Laut Band ist "Death Awakening" der abwechslungsreichste und stärkste Song der kommenden Scheibe. Auf dem Album wird auch Johan Lindstrand [Ex-The Crown, One Man Army And The Undead Quartet], als Gast auf dem Song "The Demand" zu hören sein.
Die Band meint dazu:
"It's great to finally have Johan adding to our sound again for the first time in years! Johan is an amazing vocalist and he totally rip shit up on this track!"
Lindstrand kommentiert:
"I've known Impious since they first started back in '94. Both on a personal, friendly level as well as on a professional level. I played the drums on their first demo and now I do some guest vocals on their new album. Always a pleasure to do stuff with them and especially on this new one that I feel is their strongest one yet. It's one hell of a speed ride with a lot of passion to it and I feel very honored that they asked me to join them on a song. They will do great with 'Death Domination'."
Hier die Tracklist:
01. Abomination Glorified
02. The Demand
03. I Am The King
04. And The Empire Shall Fall
05. Dead Awakening
06. Hate Killing Project
07. Rostov Ripper
08. Legions
09. As Death Lives In Me
10. Irreligious State Of War